We combine to your satisfaction!

Central systems - Combinations
- Processing of both smaller (from 50 l/min) and larger volume flows (up to 30,000 l/min)
- Integrated scraper conveyor can easily discharge pasty sludge or grainy solids and chip from any desired liquid
- Cooling lubricant processing for the following machining processes:
- Grinding (in particular carbide machining)
- Precision turning
- Eroding
- Rolling
- Drawing (wire - profiles - pipes)
- Milling
- Waste-water purification/car washes
- Processing of machining fluids similar to water such as quenching water for hardening processes
- Processing of washing solutions and degreasing baths
The system ZKR is based on a sedimentation tank with an integrated scraper conveyor. In some cases sedimentation is often sufficient to remove impurities from the liquid. After this, additional fine filtration steps can follow, e.g. the proven ZYKLOMAT hydrocyclone, Lamella Separator as well as Compact belt filter, which operate either with filter fleece or an endless belt that can be regenerated.
- The filtration principle employed permits prolonged periods of service (up to four years).
- Filtration is fundamentally more efficient than individual systems.
- Improved surface finish and dimensional accuracy of workpieces, together with higher productivity are achieved, particularly in the reduction of rejects and longer tool life.
- Emulsion service life prolonged û disposal costs reduced.
- No unpleasant odours, hence favourable effect on operating conditions.
- Considerable saving in manufacturing space, hence increased production capacity
- Maintenance and monitoring costs minimised.
- More effective, simple treatment of cooling lubricant; more environmentally friendly operation in general.
- Overall costs quickly amortised.
- Savings on high-cost filter aids